Not for Profit
Our dedicated team of Not-for-Profit specialists are acknowledged as being the experts in delivering services to the education, social housing, charity and membership body sectors. We provide the full range of internal and external audit, tax, corporate finance, business restructuring and advisory services to a growing number of East Africa's largest brand name organisations.
Funding is being stretched thin for international not-for-profit entities and NGOs, as both private and government contributions demands greater accountability and value for money. Based on our substantial not-for-profit experience for the past 50 years in Sub-Saharan Africa, we assist not-for-profit entities & NGOs to identify the right processes and stay in compliance with donor requirements. We have the ability to provide you with the breadth of skills you expect from an international firm, combined with a personalised approach to client service and a commitment to partner with senior manager involvement. With over 2,000 clients in the not-for-profit sector served by the firm globally, our team of professionals offers the hands-on experience and technical skill you can rely upon to serve the distinctive needs of your organisation.
At BDO we are passionate about the positive changes not-for-profit and development projects can bring to the African communities. BDO audits donor funded projects, not-for-profit entities and NGOs for statutory purposes and for Special Purpose. We also assists clients with regulatory compliance matters – including the Office of Management and Budget’s new guidance for federal grant-receiving organizations (US). Our professionals also perform expenditure verification, forensic audits and capacity audit for donors.
With our global footprint, we work numerous multinational & multilateral entities and have experience in co-ordinating and working with multiple offices across the BDO network.